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Prof. Dr. Md. Salequl Islam


Laboratory affairs QUEST Bangladesh


Associate Professor

Department of Microbiology Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, BANGLADESH.



Dr. Salequl Islam has gained extensive experience in teaching to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Recently he has ended a visiting fellowship at Rega Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium, working with antiviral drug discovery. He has accomplished a postdoctoral research in AIDS linked to IntraVenous Experience (ALIVE) cohort at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, in evaluating inflammatory biomarkers among HIV/HBV/HCV infected intravenous drug users (IDU). He worked over 3 years in microbiological and immunological assessing of clinical samples from enteric diseases in Immunology Unit of icddr,b (International Center for Diarreal Research). He has conducted comprehensive basic research of coreceptor-utilization in HIV pathogenesis. Dr Islam has been working several years to disseminate American Society for Microbiology (ASM) activities into local students and young researchers. In 2016, ASM had selected him as the head of BioResource Center (BRC) for Bangladesh. Dr. Salequl Islam leads research activities at ‘One Health Laboratory’ at the Department of Microbiology, Jahangirnagar University (JU), Bangladesh. He has been leading several research grants of JU, University Grants Commision (UGC), Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) and grant of advanced research in education (GARE, ministry of education, Bangladesh). Dr. Islam has integrated a microbiology team in Jahangirnagar University consisting faculty member(s), MS research students, Mphil, and/or PhD fellows. The study team possesses an expert portfolio and working in deciphering multidirectional AMR transmission cycle in livestock, aquaculture, and environmental for a better food safety and security for national and global healthcare. His research group has been conducting both prevalence and surveillance studies of AMR transmission in animal husbandry, human urinary tract infection (UTI), and diarrheal diseases by maintaining collaborations with different hospitals and clinics. Dr. Islam is familiar to deliver scientific talk in domestic and international settings.


  1. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
  2. Master

    Dhaka University, Bangladesh
  3. Bachelor of Science

    Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Professional Publication

  1. 01 Jan, 2008
    Association of Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis Infection with Inflammatory Diarrhea.
    Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008; 47:797–803.
  2. 01 Jan, 2010
    Irradiation With Carbon Ion Beams Induces Apoptosis, Autophagy, And Cellular Senescence In A Human Glioma-Derived Cell Line.
    Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 229–241, 2010.
  3. 01 Mar, 2012
    Entry of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 is augmented by heparin sulfate proteoglycans bearing short heparin-like structures.
    J Virol. 2012 Mar;86(6):2959-69
  4. 01 Apr, 2012
    Lack of the trans-receptor mechanism of HIV-1 infection: CD4- and coreceptor-independent incorporation of HIV-1-resistant cells into syncytia induced by HIV-1.
    Microbes Infect. 2012 Apr;14(4):357-68.
  5. 01 Jun, 2012
    Deletion of 23 amino acids from N-terminal region of CXCR4 (X4△NTR23) abolishes the coreceptor activity for HIV/SIV isolates.
    Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. 1(1): 25-35, 2012 (June).
  6. 01 Sep, 2012
    Ionising irradiation alters the dynamics of human long interspersed nuclear elements 1 (LINE1) retrotransposon.
    Mutagenesis. 2012 Sep;27(5):599-607. doi:10.1093/mutage/ges025.
  7. 01 Jun, 2013
    X4-tropic human immunodeficiency virus IIIB utilizes CXCR4 as coreceptor, as distinct from R5X4-tropic viruses.
    Microbiology and Immunology, 2013 Jun;57(6):437-44). (Corresponding author)
  8. 01 Aug, 2013
    CCR6 functions as a new coreceptor for limited primary human and simian immunodeficiency viruses.
    PLoS One. 2013 Aug 29;8(8):e73116. (Corresponding author)
  9. 01 Dec, 2013
    Dissemination of MDR bacteria from poultry litters and veterinary waste in Savar, Bangladesh.
    Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. Dec 2013, 2(2):93-101.
  10. 01 Jul, 2014
    CKR-L3, a deletion version CCR6-isoform shows coreceptor-activity for limited human and simian immunodeficiency viruses.
    BMC Infectious Diseases. Jul 2014 14:354 (Corresponding author)
  11. 01 Aug, 2014
    Multidrug resistant-Proteus mibabilis isolated from chicken droppings in commercial poultry farms: Biosecurity concern and emerging public health threat in Bangladesh.
    Biosafety Health Educ. Aug 2014 2:120 (Corresponding author)
  12. 28 Sep, 2015
    Associations of Circulating Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Receptors 1 and 2 with Interleukin-6 Levels in an Aging Cohort of Injection Drug Users with or at high risk for HIV infection.
    AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Online Ahead of Editing: September 28, 2015
  13. 15 Jan, 2016
    Suppression of HIV-1 Infectivity by Human Glioma Cells.
    AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, January 15, 2016
  14. 01 May, 2016
    Multidrug Resistant Providencia stuartii in Chicken Droppings: Public Health Implications for Poultry Workers and Associated Communities in nearby Dhaka Metropolis.
    British Microbiology Research Journal 14(5): May 2016. (Corresponding author).
  15. 15 May, 2016
    Norovirus Infection in Community Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Savar Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, Accepted, May 2016. (Corresponding author
  16. 30 May, 2016
    Diversity of Plasmid Profile in Multi-drug Resistant Non- E. coli Intestinal Flora Lacking Association with Resistance Phenomenon.
    British Microbiology Research Journal 14(6): May, 2016
  17. 01 May, 2020
    Chikungunya outbreak (2017) in Bangladesh: Clinical profile, economic impact and quality of life during the acute phase of the disease.
    PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, May, 2018
  18. 01 Jun, 2019
    Reducing injection intensity is associated with decreased risk for invasive bacterial infection among high-frequency injection drug users.
    Harm Reduction Journal, June, 2019. (Corresponding author).
  19. 01 Apr, 2019
    Gram-positive uropathogens: Empirical treatment and emerging antimicrobial resistance.
    Biomedical Research and Clinical Practice, April 2019

Awards & Prizes